Welcome to the National Mustang Association of Colorado volunteer portal! We are looking for volunteers to support our mission to develop, implement, and maintain programs to preserve and protect horses in the wild and promote their conscious and humane management. With this in mind, we are seeking volunteers that are skilled and interested in administrative, marketing, fundraising, events, horse care, training, and placement. There is also a need for transition holding facilities and veterinarian assistance. We will be updating this site, implementing communication tools, guidelines and working on some view displays. Any questions can be forwarded to Laurie our volunteer coordinator at lnewton@nmaco.org.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with the NMACO.
To sign up for opportunities, you will first need an account.
- If you don't have an account, click here to fill out the volunteer application. Your application may go through an approval process before you can sign up.
After you have an account, simply login to see a list of available opportunities. Once you see an opportunity you want to sign up for, click on Sign Up next to the event/role. We will send you a confirmation and then a reminder email 23 hours prior to your sign-up. If you need to cancel your scheduled sign up, you can always login and click on My Sign-Ups under your name (top right). There you can see your upcoming sign ups and cancel if you need. This will notify the volunteer coordinator of your cancellation.
Our current fundraiser can be displayed by accessing it on this page to the left. Once open it will be readable.